Feast of St James the Great

Feast of St James the Great


 2 Cor. 4:7-15, Mt. 20:20-28. Today we celebrate the Feast of St James the Great, to distinguish him from James son of Alpheus. James was the elder brother of John the Apostle and Evangelist. The two were the sons of Zebedee, “sons of thunder.” They had been fisher men before being called by Jesus to leave their nets and follow Him. James was privileged to be present at the scene of Transfiguration, the raising of daughter of Jairus and at the agony in the Garden.

In today’s first reading, Paul refers to the followers of Christ as earthen vessels. Yet in these earthen vessels, the Lord is present. God uses these simple, earthen vessels to be the instruments through which the Most Precious Gift of all is brought and shared with all the peoples. Earthen vessels are more fragile than items made of metal. They are less valuable than containers which are made of silver or gold, inlaid with precious stones. Yet God chooses just common, ordinary, breakable items to be the vehicles through which Jesus comes to others. Today’s Gospel presents James and his brother requesting a place of honour with Jesus. Jesus asked them if they were willing “to drink the cup” which He drank – an illusion to sharing in Jesus’ ministry – even unto death.

May the Lord strengthen us in our resolve to do the will of God and grant us His mercy! Amen!! Have a glorious day!!!




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