Feast of St Mary Magdalene

Feast of St Mary Magdalene


Songs 3:1-4, 2 Cor. 5:14-17, Jn 20:1-2.11-18. On this Feast of St Mary Magdalene, today’s readings present an aspect of Mary Magdalene as she sought the Lord to have a closer relationship with Him. The first reading presents the longing of a bride for her beloved, going out seeking him and asking people if they have seen him. Finally, she encounters him. Obviously, there is a parallel with Mary Magdalene’s search for Jesus after His death and burial. Today’s Gospel portrays her as a woman whose devotion to Jesus brought her to the tomb early on the early morning of resurrection. Her heartfelt devotion to Jesus also left her outside the tomb weeping tears of loss when she discovered the body of Jesus was not there. She sought the Lord but could not find him.

However, the Lord came seeking her and found her when he called her by her name, “Mary.” Like Mary Magdalene, we also seek the Lord and, like her, we are the object of the Lord’s search. Indeed, the Lord’s search for us is prior to our search of Him. Even if we struggle to make our way to the Lord, like Mary, the Lord always makes His way to us and calls us by our name. He is the Good Shepherd who, having laid down His life for us, now calls us by name. In calling us to Himself by name, the Lord also sends us out, as He sent out Mary Magdalene, to bring the good news of His presence to those we meet. The Lord who calls us by name also asks us to be His messengers to others.

May the Lord have mercy on us and reveal Himself as we search for Him daily! Amen!! Have a fruitful week!!!






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