I Desire Mercy, not Sacrifice

I Desire Mercy, not Sacrifice


: Ish 38:1-6.21-22.7-8, Mt. 12:1-8. Today we are reminded that God is the giver of life and Lord of the Sabbath. In today’s first reading, Isaiah recounts the story of king Hezekiah’s sickness and God’s healing with fifteen more years of life. In today’s Gospel, Jesus confirms the compassion of God the giver of life when He was confronted by the Pharisees for allowing the plucking of grain on the Sabbath. For Jesus, the satisfaction of the hunger of His disciples is more important than the rules and regulations dealing with Sabbath observance. The Sabbath, the Day of the Lord is meant to bring us into closer relationship with God. If hunger or something else prevents us from even thinking about our relationship with God, then observing the strict commands of the Sabbath will not bring us closer to God. God wants to be in relationship with us, so that we may have life. Anything that does not hinder our relationship with God but enhances it, is something to be sought, especially if it also helps other people in trouble. Thus, Jesus says: “If you knew what this meant, ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice,’ you would not have condemned these innocent people.” For if God “wants mercy, not sacrifice,” then the Sabbath is better celebrated by affirming life than by ritual; indeed, life gives ritual its true meaning. The people in the Temple, like David or the priests, are more important than the Temple itself, so the disciples could act as they did for the sake of life. Since, Jesus interpreted the Sabbath regulations so freely, then the later Church concluded that He was “Lord of the Sabbath.” Isaiah also promotes authentic living. Whether we live or die, at the bloom of health or suffer from some illness, God wants life to be celebrated and eventually to grant us eternal life in the Heavenly Sabbath. May the Lord grant us fullness of life and bring us renewed strength in our relationship with God! Amen!! Have a wonderful day!!!

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