Unless your Faith is Firm, you will not be Confirmed

Unless your Faith is Firm, you will not be Confirmed


Ish 7:1-9, Mt. 11:20-24. In today’s first reading, Isaiah offered a maxim about faith, with significant implications: “Unless your faith is firm, you will not be confirmed.” This maxim came up as result of the dramatic challenge for king Ahaz to ask for a sign; and the Immanuel prophecy that followed his refusal (Ish 7:14). Only by faith can people have the strength to remain true to their conscience, trusting in God’s effective care of their lives. In this context of faith, as Jesus declared, miracles can be worked; but without this faith miracles only harden the heart to find other excuses for not doing what we ought to do.

Faith must not be in human security who will defend us against the enemies, as king Ahaz first believed. Our faith must rest solely in the Lord, in the unity of the Holy Spirit. If we keep our eyes open and reflect on the marvelous deeds that Jesus is doing in our life, our faith will be firm. Today’s Gospel describes how Jesus excoriates three towns in Galilee. In them, Jesus preached, healed and ministered, but they have not put their faith in Him. Jesus remarks that at the final judgment, it will go better for those notorious towns of Tyre, Sidon, and Sodom than it will for Chorazin, Bethsaida and Capernaum because they would have been much more responsive to His presence. Jesus castigated these towns for their failing to believe in His miraculous activities. Only our relationship with Jesus and His Heavenly Father can bring us true security necessary for our salvation. It is only when we come before the Lord and experience His presence, that we can be free from fear and anxiety.

May the Lord continue to be our light and guide, protect us from all evil and grant us peace! Amen!! Have a great day!!!





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