No Disciple is above His Teacher

No Disciple is above His Teacher


Ish 6:1-8, Mt. 10:24-33. There is a lot of talk these days about self-esteem and self- realisation. Today’s readings speak about a different esteem and realisation and a different understanding of self. In today’s first reading, Isaiah is said to have come to the understanding of who he was after a Divine encounter. His realisation was that God is mighty and awesome, while Isaiah saw himself as nothing in comparison to God. In the Gospel, Jesus asserts a similar message when He proclaims: “No disciple is above his teacher, no slave above his master.”

Jesus continues His dismissal address, reminding His disciples-turned-Apostles that they are only participants in God’s great works. Jesus is the Master-Teacher on whom the servants-students are called to model their lives. They are not, nor will they ever be, as great as Master-Teacher. Yet, their importance is far superior to the birds of the air of which God also takes care. God even knows the count of hairs on their head. Our importance comes not from what we do, but from the one whom we imitate and who is sending us. The lesson is clear: our esteem and value come not from what we do or even from who we are. Our distinction comes only from the One who has taught us and given us an example of how to live. God relates to us in a way that is unique to us. We are called into a personal relationship with God, because God cares about the details of our lives.

May the Lord continue to bless us in all our good works and help us to get closer to Him! Amen!! Have a glorious weekend!!!





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