What I want is mercy not sacrifice

What I want is mercy not sacrifice


 Amos 8:4-6.9-12, Mt. 9:9-13. In today’s first reading, Amos demonstrates that God is aware of all the evil deeds and actions of men. Amos announced a looming crisis for Israel: for their lack of social concern, the people will be driven from the promised land. Active compassion is also the heart of how a despised tax collector, Matthew is called as recorded in today’s Gospel.

Jesus called Matthew, a tax collector, to follow Him and share table with other tax collectors. Matthew and people like him would have been regarded as sinners. Such people were to be avoided for fear of contamination. Jesus did not follow this path because He was not afraid of being contaminated by others. On the contrary, He knew that His goodness had the power to transform others for the better. When Jesus said: “What I want is mercy not sacrifice,” He declared that He wants His merciful way to find expression in our lives. We are also called to transform others by our goodness. We are to be agents of the Lord’s transforming love and mercy. This positive transformation can come as we accept it as the will of God and not demand to go back; second, to adapt with concern for the wider family; and always to practice justice towards the needy and compassion to any who are outcast.

May the Lord strengthen us and grant us positive transformation! Amen!! Have a pleasant day!!!





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