Save us, Lord, we are going down

Save us, Lord, we are going down


Amos 3:1-8.4: 11-12, Mt. 8:23-27. In today’s first reading, Amos threatens God’s vengeance on those who refused to repent. Amos went ahead to cite the classic ruin of Sodom and Gomorrah; while today’s Gospel reminds us of the power of Christ to help us in time of need. Our faith in providence and our trust in Jesus can help us survive storms and disturbances such that we will not be driven to despair.

The onset of this particular storm on the Sea of Galilee was sudden: “without warning a storm broke over the lake.” We know from life experience that our personal circumstances can change without warning. We can suddenly find ourselves in the midst of some raging personal storm. One day all is well; the next day we are in crisis. To that extent the Gospel is apt to address our personal experience. The cry of the disciples in Matthew’s account, “Save us, Lord, we are going down” is our cry some time in our lives. Matthew seeks to reassure us that the Lord will respond to such a cry; our prayer for help in vulnerable times will not go unanswered. The Lord is stronger than the storm that threatens us and in turning towards the Lord, we will draw from His strength.

May the Lord strengthen our faith and protect us, so that amidst hardships, trials and challenges of life, we may always be firm in our conviction and desire to serve God! Amen!! Good morning and have a great day!!!




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