The Lord does not see as mortals

The Lord does not see as mortals


1 Sam. 16:1-13, Mk 2:23-28. Today's first reading presents the account of the selection of David as the next king of Israel and God sent Samuel to anoint him. Samuel goes to Bethlehem where Jesse and his family lived. There, God revealed to Samuel that the next king will be one of the sons of Jesse. The sons are brought before Samuel, beginning with the eldest, Eliab. Contrary to Samuel’s first estimate, it was not David’s older, stronger brothers that God chose to become king in place of Saul. It was the youngest of the seven brothers, because of some special traits that would make him fit for kingship. He was courageous and responsible in caring for his father’s flocks; those qualities would also make him a servant-leader for God’s people. For “the Lord does not see as mortals see; they look on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.”

In today's Gospel, Jesus confirms how God looks on the heart rather than physical appearance in His confrontation with the Pharisees. During this session regarding the Law of the Sabbath, the Lord Jesus mentioned David took the bread from the bread of offerings that were reserved only for the High Priest and also gave some of them to his men to eat, as they were hungry. At that time, during the Sabbath day, His disciples who had been traveling with Him during His ministry and works must have been hungry and therefore, picked some grains of wheat along the way. Thus, we are reminded that human needs are more important than rules. The rules are there to aid people in deepening their relationship with God. If the rules prevent individuals from drawing closer to God, the rules fail. As Christians, we are called to have genuine faith and love for God, in love and obedience to God. The challenge for us is to look at the spirit of the law, not just the letter. In strict adherence to the law, the Pharisees ignored the plight of the hungry and the needy, ostracised those whom they deemed to be sinners and wicked, while praising and placing themselves on a pedestal to gain fame and glory for their own benefits.

May the Lord deepen in us true love for the Almighty God and Father so that in all things we may find our good and the good of others! Amen!! Good morning and have a wonderful day!!!

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