Let us bless the Lord on the last day of the year

Let us bless the Lord on the last day of the year


1 Jn 2:18-21, Jn 1:1-18. As we come to the end of the year, we look back and thank God for all His blessings and favours during the year. In spite of the challenges of the year: the economic downturn, the variant coronavirus pandemic and the loss of loved ones, we need to thank God for the grace, courage and fortitude to be able to come to terms with all these inevitable realities. We need to raise our hope high rather than succumb to defeat and become prey to different prophets of doom who will come up with different prophecies of the new year. Today's first reading reminds us that in the world, there are false prophets and individuals who are saying they are the Messiah-Christ. As we come to the end of the year today, many individuals will come up in the guises of being the "Anointed One of God". These persons will claim that they are the true messengers of God, but because they are not inline with the word of God enfleshed in Jesus, they will prophecy doom and put fear into people. As true believers, we have the ability to recognise their lies because we have been given the 'Truth' in Jesus, who is the Truth (Jn 14:6). Those who are in relationship with the 'Truth' cannot be deceived as long as they remain “bonded again” to Jesus.

Today's Gospel reflects this moment of new beginning with its growing light. The opening words are "In the beginning." It then goes on to speak of a light that shines in the darkness, a light that darkness cannot overpower, a true light that enlightens everyone. John’s whole Gospel story of Jesus echoes the initiative of bringing light out of darkness, order out of chaos, life out of no life and honour out of shame. Jesus has come as “The True Light” to dispel “darkness" of the world. To spell out the importance of light, light was the first to be created (Cf. Gen. 1:2). It is the light of the word who was with God in the beginning, because this word became flesh, His light has become accessible to us. This is a light that envelopes all our living. We live and move in this special light. It is the same light that Christ confirms He is: "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life." Most of us know our personal experiences of darkness. A darkness of spirit or mind or heart can engulf us; we can be suddenly plunged into some dark and difficult situation that we had not anticipated. Our faith declares that there is no darkness in our world which the light of Christ cannot penetrate.

May the Lord continue to inspire and encourage us to be the bearers of His light and hope in our world, so that our love for the Lord will continue to grow in spite of the challenges and trials we may encounter in life! Amen!! Remain blessed as we witness the end of the year!!!

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