Implements of war would be turned into instruments of food

Implements of war would be turned into instruments of food


Isaiah 2:1-5, Mt. 8:5-11. Today's first reading pre-figures the Reign of God on how the future will be ruled by God in the Temple, the divine house. The chosen people of God had been ruled by human kings who had led them down the wrong paths to sinful ways. They wanted God to establish the divine rule again. With God’s Reign, God’s dwelling place would be where people would come to live in peace as God would judge the nations. There, the implements of war would be turned into instruments of food production, benefitting all: “They shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks; one nation shall not raise the sword against another, nor shall they train for war again.” The promises of the coming Reign of God, the coming of His salvation and days of rule over all the nations are proof enough that God cares for us, without exception. Had He despised all of us, He could have erased us from existence and condemned us immediately into hell without giving any of us a chance for repentance and forgiveness.

That is an important truth that we must realise as we enter into this holy season and time of Advent, a time for purification and reorientation of our lives, a time for discernment and self-introspection that we may find our path in life going forward, ever closer to God. We must have faith in Him and hold on fast to that hope and faith that we have in Him and believe that in God alone is our salvation and that He alone is our Hope and our desire, through our repentance and the forgiveness of our many sins. In today's Gospel, the faith of the Army Centurion inspires us to seek the Lord in faith. As Jesus entered Capernaum, He was accosted by a soldier, a Centurion and asked to heal his servant. A Centurion, not a Jew nor Hebrew but an outsider. This man knows of Jesus and trusts in His healing power. Jesus replies that He will come right away to heal the sick man, but the Centurion says to Him: “Lord, I am not worthy to have you enter under my roof; only say the word and my servant will be healed." With his faith in God, His healing power and trust in the hierarchy of authority, the Centurion says that the Lord need not come. As a Centurion he knows that when he is given an order, he carries it out. He knows that when he gives an order to his servants His will is carried out. He knows that if Jesus says something, that it will happen because the healing word of Jesus is stronger than the orders of soldiers. He had faith in the system and even more faith in the Lord.

May the Lord reveal His presence in the world so that our world may be recreated and be a place where justice and peace shall find a home! Amen!! Good morning, have a fruitful week!!!

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