Only the Lord that can free us to live as we meant to live

Only the Lord that can free us to live as we meant to live


Dan. 6:12-28, Lk. 21:20-28. Today's first reading describes what took place when the Persian king, Darius, took over the kingdom formerly held by the Babylonians. Darius decreed that for thirty days no worship was to be given to any person or God except to Darius. Those who were out to remove Daniel from a position of favour were anxious to catch Daniel breaking the law. Once they have evidence of him worshiping the one true God, they brought Daniel before the king to be executed by being thrown into a den of hungry lions. Like Daniel, the whole people had been preserved alive from the dangers of the lions’ den. About four hundred years later, during the persecution of Antiochus Epiphanes, Israel again experienced persecution and the collapse of the holy city. The long years in-between, silent, monotonous years, seemed to have achieved nothing. Despite their intense interest in the law of Moses and trying to obey that law punctiliously, this lowering cloud and whirlwind of destruction swept through their lives again. Daniel enjoined the people that God had written a letter to, the nations of every language. This letter will proclaim that Yahweh, the God of Israel’s ancestors, is the living God, enduring forever, whose kingdom shall not be destroyed and He shall rule till the end of time.

In today's Gospel, Jesus speaks of the calamity that will accompany the destruction of Jerusalem. It is meant to encourage the faithful to be strong in the face of opposition not only during the Roman destruction of Jerusalem but whenever they face trying times. Thus, the message ends with the reassurance that no matter what tragedies faced, they must remain true to their relationship with the Lord and in doing so they will experience the salvation which has been given to them. We hear of wars and destruction, great upheavals and the fear they generate, but it also foretells the coming of the Son of Man and promises that those who welcome His coming will be set free. We all need to be freed from whatever it is that is holding us back from doing what we ought to do, from being the full person that we can be. It is only the Lord who can free us to live as we are meant to live.

May the Lord renew our hope and may our lives be a model of His grace to enable us face trials with courage! Amen!! Good morning and have a joyful day!!!

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