How I wish it were already kindled

How I wish it were already kindled


Rom. 6:19-23, Lk. 12:49-53. In today's first reading, Paul reminds us of the dangers of sin and how sin reigned over us before Christ redeemed us from its dominion. Thus, he exhorts us to walk in the path of God and not submit themselves to the power of sin, for if we follow the way of sin, then we would suffer its consequences and perish. Today, we are called to remain true to our faith and reject the temptations to sin because as Christians, we have become God’s chosen people, whom He gathered from all the nations to embrace the truth and light that He has brought into our midst. All of us should carry ourselves with true and genuine faith and be examples to others.

This was exactly what Jesus meant in today's Gospel, when He presented to His disciples the plain truth of what His coming into this world truly means. His words express a strong sense of desire: “I came to bring fire to the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled.” This fire prefigures the fire of the Holy Spirit; coming down on the disciples like tongues of fire. Jesus knows He cannot send the Holy Spirit until He has undergone His passion and death, what He calls a “baptism I must receive.” The baptism which He is to be baptised refers to His passion and death. This ordeal will also be shared by His disciples because sharing in the mission of Jesus, some families will be divided. Some family members will welcome the Gospel value while some others will reject it. The Lord’s presence touches the depths of our humanity in ways that can cause deep divisions. Regardless of the consequences, our vocation is to let the fire that Jesus has ignited burn within us, so that we may begin to live out the Gospel value irrespective of the inherent danger in our society.

May the Lord enkindle in us the fire of the Holy Spirit so that we would be able to live out the Gospel value without compromise! Amen!! Good morning and peace be with you!!!

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