The Feast of St Luke, the Evangelist

The Feast of St Luke, the Evangelist


2 Tim. 4:10-17, Lk. 10:1-9. Today, the Church invites us to celebrate the life of service and mission of St Luke, “the beloved physician” (Col. 4:14 and 11, 2 Tim. 4:11, Philem. 1:24) and Paul’s travel-companion (Lk. 16:11). Though, today's first reading speaks of the ministry of Luke with Paul, we can gather a lot of information about him from his two writings: the Luke's Gospel and the Acts of the Apostles. Although, some key Pauline ideas are absent in the Gospel of Luke, his theology evolved to meet the changing conditions of Christian life, almost two decades after Paul’s martyrdom. Luke is most welcoming to Christians of Gentile background, Luke was a Jew in Diaspora, from Antioch. Paul, already in confinement for being a Christian, has sent some of his followers to tend to the needs of the people in the communities he helped to establish. As a trusted friend, Luke alone is left with Paul to comfort and bring compassion to Paul. Paul asks Timothy to do him some favours and watchout for some of the so-called “believers” who are subverting the true preaching and teaching of Christ, as preached by Paul. 

As a good historian and Evangelist, Luke paints a consistent portrait of Jesus as Lord and yet humble servant of the Father, to be admired and imitated. From Luke we learn the importance of piety and prayer, love and compassion for the poor and the despised, as shown in Jesus’ attitude towards the outcasts, women, children and sinners. All these things point to the compassion and caring of God, especially for the poor, disenfranchised and lowly. Luke relates more accounts of women in his Gospel than the other evangelists; including Mary, Martha, Elizabeth, Anna, Mary Magdalene.  Some of the passages found only in Luke are the story of the good Samaritan (Lk. 10:25-37); the Prodigal Son (Lk. 15:11-32); the curing of the ten lepers with only the Samaritan coming back to thank Jesus (Lk. 17:11-19). Luke introduces his writing with his address to Theophilus, “Lover of God” and shares Jesus’ call to spread the Gospel to all nations. The life and ministry of Luke is marked with a special quality of mercy and tenderness which describes Luke as the “Scribe of the gentleness of Christ.”

May the Lord help us to discern our path in life carefully, so that we may be able to contribute effectively to the mission of Christ and bear rich fruits in faith! Amen!! Good morning and have a fruitful week!!!

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