Judge not

Judge not


Rom. 2:1-11, Lk. 11:42-46. In today's Gospel, Jesus criticises how the Pharisees put priority on payment of tithes, while neglecting justice and the love of God. The latter are more important, says Jesus, but He adds, “without omitting the other.” He did not campaign against the Mosaic law. In fact, He observed it carefully and always gave a good reason to uphold it, such as when defending His disciples for eating grains of corn on the Sabbath. Jesus did not reject all rules and regulations, in this case, the duty of each Jew to support the Temple, but He taught that the love of God and social justice came before all other obligations. We need to similarly avoid judging people by narrow, external criteria. Some would esteem the appearance of a home more than the happy life within the home.

If we are quick to judge others, we have probably lost touch with the more central values of love. In today's first reading, Paul warns the people in Rome that they should not judge others for their unfaithfulness, since all are sinners and deserve to be punished by God. Addressing the Jewish members of the Christian community at Rome, who acted with an attitude of superiority over the Gentiles who have become believers, Paul enjoined everyone that before judging others they must first try to lighten their burden. Perhaps then we would recognise their good qualities and see them in a new light. The Judaic Christians find it easy to cast blame and accusations at the former heathens, pointing out all their actions which are contradictory to being a faithful believer. Paul warns the Hebrew Christians that they are also sinful and have been unfaithful to God. If they condemn the former pagans for their sins of infidelity, they will also be judged for being unfaithful to God. The sinful and unrepenting Jews will be the first to be condemned because they had the advantage of knowing God long before the pagans. Yet, the humble and contrite Jews who have come to believe in Jesus will receive God's blessings first, since they have had connection with God for a longer period of time. 

May the Lord help us to grow stronger in our love for Him and help others to be faithful to God rather than condemn others or think that we are better than others or more deserving of God’s salvation! Amen!! Good morning, peace be with you!!!

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