The Lord is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and rich in kindness

The Lord is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and rich in kindness


Joel 1:13-15.2:1-2, Lk. 11:15-26. A favourite rabbinical way to answer a question, also used by Jesus, is to ask another. While our culture demands instant answers, Biblical questions induce a meditative attitude in God’s presence. There was a deep-rooted Jewish faith that God will transform the universe for the better. While they were as aware as we are of the destructive forces in the natural world, they trusted that the transforming love of God would ultimately prevail. In today's first reading, Joel recalls the covenant with Moses on the holy mountain, Sinai. What they experienced on the mountain was God who was “gracious and merciful, slow to anger and rich in kindness.” Even when tested to the limits of our patience, we can trust that God has plans for us beyond the horizons of this earthly life.

In today's Gospel, Jesus acknowledges the existence of supernatural forces of good and evil. As He wrestles against the evil powers, His envious opponents among the Pharisees accuse Him of being in league with the devil: “By Beelzebub, he casts out devils.” He rejects this wild claim, for it is with the power of God that He faces down the power of evil. So we can also make God our refuge against all evil and temptation. Some people challenged Jesus to perform some sign from heaven, some spectacular miracle. They could not see the presence of God in the person of Jesus. God is powerfully at work in His ministry if only people have eyes to see it. There was no need for spectacular signs, in order to accept the Gospel. Sometimes Christians can be so drawn to “signs and wonders”, obsessed with shrines and miracles. We can fail to see how the Lord is present among us in and through the goodness, kindness and hospitality of others, in all kinds of ordinary expressions of love, in people’s quiet prayerfulness.

May the Lord empower us to walk more faithfully in His presence and use the gifts God has given us for the edification of others! Amen!! Good morning and have a wonderful day!!!

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