The Memorial if St Pius of Pietrelcina

The Memorial if St Pius of Pietrelcina


Hag. 1:1-8, Lk. 9:7-9. In today's first reading, prophet Haggai sees that the returning exiles focused on personal issues instead of seeking to do what God's will. They are intent on rebuilding their homes while not devoting themselves to repairing the House of God. Haggai challenges the people, especially the wealthy, to rebuild the Temple first. He points out that their labours and efforts are not being fully realised because they have not given their attention first to God and the Temple - God’s dwelling place among them. The prophet Haggai reminds us to set our priority right to address what needs to be done. He also sees the importance of the Temple as a place for community and prayer. Without a strong symbol that we are people of God, with spiritual aspirations, we easily sink into materialism. Sometimes, in moment of adversities, we pray fervently but soon after such adversities we forget God who journeyed with us through those moments.

In everything we say and do, we must always have God in mind, else, we go astray and fall into sin. Today let us reflect on how to cultivate noble thoughts, speak edifying words and treat everyone with respect, instead of 'the blame game' that leaves us cripple. In today's Gospel, Herod continues to live in such a life of blame and in constant perplexity because of his evil act. Let us remember that every thought of negativity, words pronounced to tarnish the reputation of others and gesture of oppression will continue to hunt us if we refuse to do things in a noble way. St Padre Pius Pietrelcina also known as Padre Pio was a noble man in how he lived his faith. He was a great priest and a Franciscan who was greatly renowned for his stigmata, or the appearance of the miraculous wounds of Jesus on his hands and feet, as well as for his great piety and love for God. Despite the suffering from ill health throughout his life, Padre Pio continued to live a rigorous life of prayer. Yet, this popularity also drew concern and censure from the Church authorities, who questioned Padre Pio and even for a time, forbade him from publicly celebrating the Sacraments and ordered him to be secluded from others. Nonetheless Padre Pio obeyed humbly and committed himself even more deeply through prayer.

May the Lord make us shine with spiritual radiance and be witnesses to the greatness of God in the sight of all nations! Amen!! Good morning and have a pleasant day!!!

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