Carry no bag

Carry no bag


Gen. 44:18-21.23-29.45:1-5, Mt. 10:7-15. The mission of the Twelve Apostles is not confined to preaching, for the Good News was also spread by curing the sick and other signs of God working, in our world. In today's Gospel, Jesus gave the mandate that what they have freely received, they must freely share with others. The true meaning of “the Reign of God” emerges in the generous relationships we practice with the rest of the human family. Further illustration of this sharing is seen in today's first reading, which shows God’s providence over every event of life, whether welcomed or unwelcome. The full implications of this past life are recognised by Joseph when his brothers went to Egypt after their father’s death.

Fearfully they imagine him nursing a grudge and that he will take revenge on them for the wrong they did to him. However, Joseph looked kindly on them with a consoling and forgiving words: “Come closer to me...I am your brother, Joseph, whom you sold into Egypt. Now do not be distressed, or angry with yourselves, because you sold me here; for God sent me before you to preserve your lives." They need not fear him; God meant it for the good of their whole family. In a magnificent act of faith, Joseph recognised the absolute providence of God over human life. It is striking how the twists and turns of his saga are harmoniously concluded by two simple statements, “God sent me ahead of you” and “God meant it for a good purpose.” Here, Joseph recognises the Divine providence in the act, because if Joseph had not been led away to Egypt, the children of Jacob would have suffered the effects of the famine. At the root of the Joseph narrative is a profound recognition of the Divine plan and the human compassion that reflects God’s compassion and loving-kindness. It calls on us to have similarly forgiving spirit and to entrust past wrongs into the hands of God.

May the Lord give us a compassionate heart and strengthen our resolve to walk in His path! Amen!! Good morning and have a terrific day!!!

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