God loves a cheerful giver

God loves a cheerful giver


2 Cor. 9:6-11, Mt. 6:1-6.16-18. In today's first reading, Paul urges the Corinthians to give abundantly to those who are in need and to do so cheerfully. Paul also continues to exhort us to be gracious in our care of the less fortunate, not only are we to give, but we are to give abundantly and with a joyful heart. Giving should not be the result of an obligation, it should flow from having been graced with so much from a gracious God. Giving is not just the cause of God’s favour, it is the stimulus for giving without regret. In today's Gospel, Jesus promised that if we use a generous measure in giving to others because God has gifted us in the first place, then God will use more generous measure to give us back.

Jesus suggests: “Let not your left hand know what your right hand is doing”, which could be interpreted as 'stay anonymous rather than seek to be celebrity'. Paul ventures to claim that the more we give to others, the more we will have: “Whoever sows sparingly will reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will reap generously.” Here, he echoes the maxim of Proverbs (11:24-25): “Some give freely, yet grow all the richer; others withhold what is due, and only suffer want. A generous person will be enriched, and one who gives water will get water.” Jesus uses a graphic image to promote anonymous benevolence: “Do not blow a horn before you in synagogues and streets, looking for applause.” He proposes a low-key approach to almsgiving, so that we do it anonymously: “not letting your left hand know what your right hand is doing.” The real motive for acts of mercy should be that they are what human decency requires and not needing any other reward than that: “your Father who sees in secret will repay you.”

May the Lord strengthen our will to give up selfishness and let there be no limit to our faith, hope and endurance! Amen!! Good morning and do have a pleasant day!!!

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