Be source of encouragement for others

Be source of encouragement for others


2 Cor. 1:1-7, Mt. 5:1-12. Today's readings are full of words of encouragement. Paul begins the second letter to the Corinthians with words of encouragement in order to encourage others of weaker faith. The Psalmist also encourages us to taste and see the goodness of the Lord in all things around us. In the Gospel, Jesus proclaims the encouraging words of the "Beatitudes", which is the implication and the right attitudes to be good followers of Christ. In today's first reading, Paul makes a connection between our need and God’s gracious help; and then addresses the gift of being able to console others. Paul is aware of some of the hard times through which they are going through. In just five verses, Paul uses the word “encouragement” or “comfort” ten times. The same root word "paraclesis" is used by Jesus in the Gospel of St John when the gift of the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete is promised ((Cf. Jn 16:7-14). "Paracletos" literally “for the purpose of encouraging," is called the Comforter, Advocate, Consoler and Encourager. Paul enjoins us to be encouraged with the encouragement that flows from God, from the death and resurrection of Jesus and from the Paraclete of God, Holy Spirit.

With such encouragement that flows from God, we are able go out of our ways for others, so that we may be richly reward by God. In the "Beatitudes", we find the right attitude to follow Christ is to be "poor in spirit”, a kind of humility based upon dependence on God rather than on fame and fortune. It is linked to the patience and compassion which mark people as true disciples of Jesus. Poverty and mildness of spirit can be the school of compassion as well as purity of heart. The Sermon on the Mount is a call to merciful spirit of servant-leadership and point to the good results to be achieved. Such leadership style can fosters a strong, caring Catholic community, a persevering community and foreshadows the Kingdom of God. In such a community, those who have shared the suffering of Christ will richly share in His consolation. When we are poor in spirit, we let God accomplish the "Beatitudes" in us and then through us for others.

May the Lord give us the fruits of the Holy Spirit, make us patient, kind and gentle and give us the discernment to know the needs of our neighbours! Amen!! Good morning and have a spirit filled and fulfilled week!!!

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