The Ascension of the Lord

The Ascension of the Lord


Acts 1:1-11, Eph. 4:1-13, Mk 16:15-20. Today we mark the fortieth day of the season of Easter, a day we remember the glorious Ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ into Heaven. We celebrate the moment when He rose up to Heaven before all of His assembled disciples, who saw Him ascending and rising to Heaven returning to His Father and taking His Throne and rightful place at the end of His earthly ministry. From then onwards the Lord was no longer seen in the flesh, yet, He is still with us and by our side, for He is always ever present and His Presence remains with us in the Eucharist. Today's readings and the Gospel recount the scene of the Ascension where Jesus told the disciples to wait in Jerusalem until they have been clothed with power from on high. He states it clearly: The power from God is the Holy Spirit and the disciples, who were witnesses of His ministry, were to carry the message throughout the world.

Here, Jesus delegates more responsibility to the disciples and enjoins them to be teachers. He wants not just for God to be with them, but in them. After God began to live in the disciples, they would be able to go into all the world with the knowledge that God would always be with them, helping them understand the Scriptures and the mission, helping them through physical difficulties and energising them in their work. To the astonishment of the disciples, Jesus ascended into Heaven and two Angels appeared telling them: "Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking in heaven? This Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will come in the same way as you saw him go into heaven." This experience teaches us that instead of dwelling on the physical things we want, we should focus on the spiritual blessings we have already been given and we should share them with others. We who have been given the Holy Spirit should share the good news of salvation — that people of all nations can become part of the people of God through faith, repentance, forgiveness and the Holy Spirit. We do not need to worry about when Christ will return. We simply need to be doing the mission He has given to us.

May the Lord, the Eternal Priest and minister of the new covenant, strengthen us by the power of the Spirit in bearing witness before the world! Amen!! Good morning and Happy Ascension day!!!

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