Cast the net to the right side of the boat

Cast the net to the right side of the boat


Acts 4:1-12, Jn 21:1-14. In today's first reading, the Sanhedrin, the Jewish High Council, the influential and powerful members of the community summoned and questioned Peter and John for healing the paralytic man. They were dumbfounded because they must have thought that since they killed Jesus by condemning Him to death through the Romans, that they had eliminated this rival to their power, influence and authority. They could not believe that His Name was still being spoken and preached around and that miracles could happen through His Name and power. They were even more dumbfounded because they knew many of the disciples and Apostles were ordinary uneducated people. Yet, they were able to speak with such eloquence, wisdom and perform such miracles, that the Sanhedrin were stunned by what they had done in the Name of the Lord. The Apostles only obeyed the mandate to reach out to all nations and proclaim to them the Good News of His salvation and call them to be reconciled with Him and to embrace His truth as the mandate of the risen Christ in today's Gospel.

Jesus gave the Apostles the mandate of reconciliation when they returned to their native place and to their old trade after the Crucifixion of Christ. Some years earlier, Jesus called them away from being fishermen, inviting them to share in His work of drawing people into the Kingdom of God. After He had been Crucified, there was nothing to do but go back to what they knew best. Seeing no way forward they returned to their past until Jesus appeared to them to renew their call. By His profound invitation to have breakfast with Him, Jesus showed His unbroken friendship towards them. The Lord always invite us even if we have failed in our friendship with Him, to start afresh and cast our nets in a different direction. Our relationship with Him is full of hope if we recognise Him again on the shore of our lives, calling us to follow where He leads us.

Just as the darkness of the tomb gave way before the glorious resurrection of Christ, may nothing in this world stand in the way of our happiness and do not let us be led into any situation that will lead us astray or to destruction! Amen!! Good morning and have a wonderful day!!!

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