We are caretakers of the Vineyard

We are caretakers of the Vineyard


Gen. 37:3-4.12-13.17-28, Mt. 21:33-43.45-46. Today's readings present us with two parallel stories in their meaning and significance. In today's first reading, the sons of Jacob disagreed over the preferential treatment that Joseph enjoyed. Joseph was the first and one of the only two sons born from Jacob’s beloved wife, Rachel. The other sons were born from his first wife, Leah, as well as the maidservants whom Leah and Rachel appointed to bear children in their name. As Joseph was born from his beloved and favoured wife and as a child of his old age, Joseph was favoured over his brothers, who then became very jealous and angry over such preferential treatment, that Joseph got twice of whatever it was that they received from their father. It was only through the intervention of Reuben, the eldest child of Jacob, that the other brothers did not end up killing Joseph. They placed him in a well where he remained until the brothers then decided to sell him off to a slaver caravan from Midian heading off to Egypt.

Resentment, envy, jealousy and greed also made the evil tenants in today's Gospel, not to pay their dues to the landowner and master of the vineyard. This parable presents the summary of the history of Israel in their unfaithfulness to God. God in His infinite mercy gave life to the Israelites and appointed them as tenants to take care of His vineyard. The vineyard is their life and it is anything else that the Owner in His mercy chooses to entrust to them to serve His purpose. To the Jews, it was not only their lives that were leased out to them, but it was also the nation and mission He entrusted to them, to care for as tenants and caretakers in a way that also serves God’s purpose. In this parable, the groups of servants are Israel’s prophets and Jesus is the son. We, in turn, are the “other tenants” to whom the “vineyard” will be given after it is taken from the Jerusalem leaders who have not managed it well (Ish 5:1-7). Seen as parable of salvation history, Jesus, who would be crucified outside of Jerusalem, as the son who is killed outside of the vineyard, enjoins us to serve God's purpose in life. Our life is rented out to us and everything else we have are God's given gifts. Therefore, life is not ours to do with what we choose. We must be careful to tend our rented lives according to the owner’s wishes for the vineyard is the mission-field God entrusts us to work in.

May the Lord help us to be good caretakers of our lives and achieve God's purpose for us in life! Amen!! Good morning and Peace be with you!!!

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