Do not throw away your confidence

Do not throw away your confidence


Heb. 10:32-39, Mk 4:26-34. God’s message is like a seed full of promise, which bears fruit only after waiting patiently in the darkness of the earth. Today's first reading offers a reminder to stay strong in our faith while we await the promises of God: “Therefore, do not throw away your confidence; it will have great recompense. You need endurance to do the will of God and receive what he has promised.” The letter to the Hebrews was written for converts from Judaism, some of them were former priests of the Temple (Cf. Acts 6:7). However, their family ties were disrupted and many of their household disowned or persecuted them. These converts face this problem of discouragement within the small Christian community. Today’s text admits that they had endured a great contest of suffering; they were publicly exposed to insult and the confiscation of their goods. There is the call to persevere: do not surrender, do not give up. This hardship is just for a while and Christ will not delay to come and be with His faithful ones.

The same call to perseverance is projected in today's Gospel in the parable of the seed that falls into the ground that becomes stalks of wheat to provide our food, or another seed becomes a leafy tree, where the birds of the sky build nests in its shade. As wheat provides bread and trees offer shade, so also God becomes the ultimate provider and protector of His people. Salvation is a patient process and we must wait through the long dark hours until the seed develops into what it eventually will become. Like the farmer in the parable we need to get the right balance between making something happen and letting it happen. The balance between initiative and patience is important for all development. The mystery of growth is not something we can fully control. There are certain things we can do to bring about it and other things only the Lord can do. While putting in the best we can, we must let the Lord bring the work of His grace to its full flowering in us. Like the wise farmer, we are grateful for the mystery of growth.

May the Lord continue to strengthen our faith so that we may be witnesses to the mystery of faith to others and that we may grow in our relationship with God! Amen!! Remain safe and have a great day!!!

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