The Feast of the conversion of St Paul

The Feast of the conversion of St Paul


Acts 22:3-16, Mk 16:15-18.
What a major reversal of values in the mind of Saul the Pharisee as he recognises the reality of the risen Christ as recorded in today's first reading. As a strict Jew, a Pharisee and follower of Gamaliel - a famous Rabbi, Saul - Jewish name, had been brought up with the concept of being a faithful believer in the one God. Saul was so convinced of his ways that he mounted a crusade to put an end to the people of 'the Way'. It was while he was on this crusade to extinguish the early Christians in Damascus that he was enlightened – he saw the light and heard the voice of Jesus saying: “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute Me?” In today's first reading, Paul tells this story of his own conversion while he was on trial for being a Christian. He is still very determined, but now his determination is in defense of 'the Christian Way'. There is no doubt that he is now preaching a different Gospel than he has before his conversion. He is willing to face imprisonment, suffering, and even death in order to help spread the Word and proclaim the Good News to all creation. His life speaks of his dedication to being an apostle - “one who is sent”. 

Saul tried to turn Christians from their beliefs because he thought they were disastrously misled. In his mind, Jesus deserved to die and His supporters should return to the fold of Judaism. In later years Paul said it was Jesus who took the initiative in the encounter that led to his conversion; there had been no preparation on Saul’s part. In his moment of sudden insight, Saul came to know that Jesus who had been crucified under Pontius Pilate was alive in some new way. Now the resurrection of Jesus was as undeniable as his own reality.

May the Lord make straight our ways to follow in the footsteps of Christ and witness to His truth so that we may become worthy vessel of God! Amen!! Good morning, have a productive week!!!

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