Repent at this opportune time

Repent at this opportune time


Jonah 3:1-5.10, 1 Cor. 7:29-31, Mk 1:14-20. On this Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B, the Church invites us to be obedient and heed to the voice of God. The major term of Jonah’s preaching to the people of Nineveh as we see in today’s first reading was: “Only forty days more and Nineveh is going to be destroyed” (Jonah 3:4). After the preaching of repentance, they heeded the voice of “only forty days more” and they encountered God’s mercy. The journey to repentance begins with the decision to leave the old life for the new. Today’s Gospel recounts that James and John abandoned their nets and their fathers. This is a symbolic gesture we all must imbibe, to be detached from earthly attachment. The net also represents that way of life that has trapped us into the bondage of sin. Then, “fatherhood” represents those traditional, fetish or superstitious beliefs that impede a whole hearted acceptance of Jesus and Christian principles.

The invitation to "Come after me" happens everyday. Unlike the fisherman responding to the carpenter, we know a call from Jesus is a call from the Son of God. God longs for us to articulate the hopes and dreams residing in the deepest recesses of our soul and then listen for our invitation. God invites us to move into a deeper relationship that includes the promise that God will never abandon us. The invitation does not end the uncertainty or hardships of life, but as our trust grows, so does our ability to see God in all things and accept the world as it is and become more of our true selves. The word ‘kairos’ is used as God's time to emphasis the opportune moment of grace. So, Jesus does not announce the historical moment in time when the Kingdom of God came to earth. Instead, He alerts us to the possibility of encountering the Kingdom of God at any given moment in historical time, if we repent and believe, we would work hard to have a change of mindset. The time for REPENTANCE is here and now.

May the Lord teach us His path, guide us in truth and make us ambassador of His love! Amen!! Stay safe and happy Sunday!!!

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