We are incorporated into Christ

We are incorporated into Christ


Heb. 9:2-3.11-14, Mk 3:20-21. Today's first reading gives us some insights into what true Church of God is: “…one not made by hands, that is not belonging to this creation.” It was Christ offering His unblemished self to God and the shedding of His blood for our eternal salvation that makes us the most magnificent of all Churches in the world. Beginning with our baptism and the Holy Spirit descending, we are freed from sin, reborn as children of God, we became members of Christ, incorporated into the Church and made sharers in the mission of Christ. Our “incorporation into the Church” is not just the physical house of worship, but the Church that resides in our hearts and souls and it is a Church that is always available, always open, to guide us every moment of our lives.

What could be more beautiful than to know that because of the sacrifice made by Jesus, we are now the Church of God, His Holy Temple, where He resides everyday. He is always there to lead us, answer our pleas for help, comfort us in times of distress and celebrate the great joys of life with us. When we want to have a quiet moment of deep prayer and reflection, let us kneel before the Lord, for we are His dwelling, He patiently waiting to listen to our petitions. If we truly believe that God is present in us and that we are His Church on earth, how we live our lives and how we take care of His Church speaks volumes about our relationship with Him. Those who are nourished by the life-giving blood of Jesus are drawn into sharing His ministry. By that we care for others, in their search for love, understanding, healing and new life. In today's Gospel, Jesus was said to be dedicated to His healing ministry that sometimes He hardly had time to eat. His dealing with the crowds was often so hectic that His relatives thought He was out of His mind.

May the Lord help us to be proactive in the ministry of serving others and instrumental in promoting the Gospel value! Amen!! Keep safe and Happy weekend!!!

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