The Lord calls us to bear witness to Him

The Lord calls us to bear witness to Him


1 Sam. 3:3-10.19, 1 Cor. 6:13-15.17-20, Jn 1:35-42. Today, we begin the Second Sunday of in Ordinary Time Year B, after the celebration of the Baptism of the Lord that marked the end of the Christmas season. Today's first reading presents us with the call of Samuel, a young boy serving in the Temple. This privilege was usually given to the high priest who alone would have access to this most sacred place. Samuel’s presence at that time was an indication that he was destined to be great. As he slept, he heard a voice calling him three times and three times he got up and went to Eli, the priest of the Temple who served at that time until he became of age and blind. It should be noted that “a revelation of the Lord was uncommon and vision infrequent.” Eli who had prayed and was open to listening to God for years sensed that something new was happening, he humbly instructed Samuel to speak and assure God that he was listening with an attentive heart. When Samuel did as he was directed by Eli, not only did the Lord speak, but came and stood before him.

Today's Gospel also presents us with the call of the first two disciples of Jesus, who are already disciples of John the Baptist. John’s call from God, is fulfilled in the moment of clarity and recognition of Jesus. Not jealous of his own importance as a preacher and religious leader, John directs his two disciples, one of whom is Andrew, to follow Jesus, the Lamb of God. Having spent the day listening to Jesus, the first thing Andrew did was find his brother, Simon. Inspired by the words of Jesus, Andrew’s life was changed. This was such a clear invitation for him to follow Jesus that he was compelled in turn to tell his brother that he had found the Messiah. Andrew was the instrument of God’s call. Had it not been for Andrew we wonder if Simon would have come to know Jesus, who in turn called him to a life-changing vocation. As followers of Jesus, we are called to recognise Jesus, hear His call in our hearts and become instrument in the hands of God.

May the Lord help us to listen and be attentive to the promptings of the Holy Spirit in our hearts! Amen!! Be safe and happy Sunday!!!

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