Stand up, pick up your mat and walk again

Stand up, pick up your mat and walk again


Heb. 4:1-5.11, Mk 2:1-12. In today's Gospel, Jesus exemplifies how to adapt to dramatic change and yet move steadily towards God’s rest. At Capernaum, there is a large gathering at the home of Peter’s mother-in-law who was healed. As Jesus continues His ministry, an unruly scene takes place in that house, showing the ingenuity and determination of the four men who carried their paralysed friend to Jesus. When they cannot get through the crowd, they carried the man to the flat roof of the house, made a hole in it and lowered the sick man into the presence of Jesus. The story shows a nice blend of helpfulness and dependency. Without the paralytic those four healthy men would never have gotten this close to Jesus and without his friends the paralytic was unable to get anywhere.

The supreme moment comes when Jesus renews the work of the Creator, by healing the paralytic and restoring him to health in body and spirit: “Which is easier, to say to the paralytic, "Your sins are forgiven or to say, stand up, pick up your mat and walk again’?” To enter into God’s paradise there must be forgiveness, not only from Jesus, but also from each of us. We are challenged to forgive our neighbour if we wish to be forgiven by God. With such forgiveness, we remain united as one people of God and we avoid the excesses of dominance and mutual recrimination. Today's first reading reminds us of this fact, as many of us failed to believe because we were unwilling and unable to listen to the Lord and as long as our ears and the doors of our hearts and minds are closed shut against the Lord and His words, then we shall have no part in God or in His inheritance. We can cross the bridge of change and support one another in the difficulties of changing times, patient with the sins of others, ready to rally round again in a bond of love and forgiveness.

May the Lord guide our thoughts, words and actions so that we may avoid wrongdoing and walk in the way of the Lord! Amen!! Remain safe and have a great day!!!

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