Jesus must increase while I must decrease

Jesus must increase while I must decrease


1 Jn 5:14-21, Jn 3:22-30. Today's first reading brings up the biblical teaching on mortal - “deadly” and venial - “excusable” sins by affirming that “all wrongdoing is sin, but not all sin is deadly.” The Hebrew word for sin translates it as “missing the mark.” We can “miss the mark” when we aim for the target, but do not have the right trajectory, the right alignment and the right force to be right on target. In “excusable” sin, we make effort to keep to track, yet we “miss the mark” not because we are not trying, but because of some flawS in our being and behaviour which keep us from being right on target. Here, our heart is going in the right direction – toward God – but out of human frailty, we are unable to be where we should be. In the mortal - “deadly” sin, we miss the mark when we know where the target is and we turn our back to the target and start shooting at some other objects.

Today, we are called to work on our personality, look at our target and remain focused so that we do not miss the mark. We are challenged to make a total "metanoia", which is change in direction, change of mind-set and start aiming in the right direction. Today's Gospel presents John the Baptist as an example of one who remained focused on the target. His life of humility challenges us to focus ourselves on God and adhere closely to Him and not allow pride, ambition, ego and desire to dictate how we live out our lives. John the Baptist humbly remarked that it was only right that while His Lord and Master increased in importance and prominence, that he decreased in these. By this he meant that, the influence of Christ in our life must increase, while the influence of the 'self' must decrease so that we can always remain on track as we approach the Lord daily.

May the Lord help us to always keep to the right track, take away our shame and to make all abound in works of faith, hope and love in His service! Amen!! Stay safe and happy weekend!!!

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