Let us bring our family to Jesus

Let us bring our family to Jesus


Gen. 49:2.8-10, Mt. 1:1-17. Today's first reading speaks of the role of Judah in the plan of salvation as regards to his relationship with his eleven brothers. Judah was one of the twelve sons of Jacob - Israel. He was not the first born, that would have been Ruben, nor the favourite - Joseph, nor the youngest - Benjamin. Judah, the least the offspring, would become the leader and the ruler over the rest of the family of Israel. Historically, it is from the line of Judah that David originated. Thus, today's Gospel opens with the genealogy, an ingenious reconstruction, based on a close reading of the Old Testament and situates Jesus within three generations at the heart of Israel’s lineage. This is an artistic, literary construct that is strongly hinted by dividing the list neatly into three sets of fourteen generations — one set, from the Founding Father - Abraham, to the heights of royal splendour - David, a man after God’s heart; then one from the royal heights to the bitter depths of the Babylonian Captivity; tracing His lineage from the Captivity down to Joseph, the husband of Mary, of whom Jesus was born.

While the mainline genealogy is counted from father to son, some women who were unexpectedly incorporated into the Messiah’s lineage: Tamar, Rahab, Ruth and the wife of Uriah - Bathsheba. In this line, Joseph became the foster father, since Mary conceived Him by the power of the Holy Spirit. Where has he come from, then? Ultimately, and miraculously, from God; though also from Abraham and David, by indirect family links. Since we carry our ancestral inheritance with us genetically' each of us owes a lot to the families that nurture us, as Christ is the Sanctifier of His lineage. When Jesus touches and heals, He does so holistically – let us not hesitate to bring our family trees to Him, right from the root.

May the Lord help us to proclaim the glory of Christ, the incarnate Word, to those who do not know Him until the whole earth sings a new song to Him! Amen!! Stay safe and have a glorious day!!!

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