You are free of your infirmity

You are free of your infirmity


Eph. 4:32-5:8, Lk. 13:10-17. In today's first reading, Paul puts charity before everything and promotes all human virtues: kindness, compassion and forgiveness, under the unifying principle. It warns against sins against human dignity, lewdness, lust and promiscuity. To sum it up, grace heightens our natural sense of virtue and builds on it. Today, we are enjoined to be friendly and kind, forgiving each other as God has forgiven us, loving others as Christ has loved us. In this way we share in the Lord’s own life-giving work. The cure of the woman in today's Gospel led to her showing immediate gratitude, for when she straightened up she glorified God. If we help others, let it also be for the glory of God. Instead of the Synagogue official to give glory to God for the wonders in the life of the woman who was prevented from straightening up for eighteen years, he became indignant.

Jesus moves first towards the crippled woman, taking note of her plight and said a creative word to her: “Woman, you are free of your infirmity” and laid his hand on her. Immediately she stood up straight and began thanking God, for this was a perfect image of what Sabbath is meant to be. The people in the Synagogue fulfilled the rituals and practise religion meticulously in external practices that they could not communicate God’s mercy. For Jesus, this woman was a co-heir and granted her what she merited. The good news is that Jesus places the happiness of His children above all other considerations and we are co-heirs to this blessing. Healing the woman from her crippling condition was surely God’s work. By His word and healing touch, Jesus restored her health and gave her a new lease of life. Any life-giving work is always lawful and right and there is no day, no time, when it may not be done. God wants each of us to share in releasing people from whatever ails them.

May the Lord deepen our faith, strengthen our hope and enkindle our love for each other! Amen!! Remain safe and have a fruitful week!!!

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