Teach others to love by loving

Teach others to love by loving


Ex. 22:20-27, Thess. 1:5-10, Mt. 22:34-40. On this Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A, the Church challenges us to treat others fairly, especially the widows, orphans, aliens and the poor. The section of the Mosaic law of today's first reading focuses on aspects of these two great commandments: no other divinity is to be worshiped except God and the need to have concern for others, including aliens, in a secondary position. To be emphatic on being concern for the weaker members of our community, Paul addresses the people of Thessalonika urging them to continue the acts of faith which they have already begun: turning away from idolatrous worship and caring for one another. Their lives are marked by their love of God, care and concern for others. Hence, in today's Gospel, Jesus places before us the two commandments of love. When Jesus responds to a trick question posed by the Pharisees, they hoped that He will lift up some detailed part of the Mosaic Law as what He sees as the most important stipulation of the law. If love is a commandment, it must therefore be done.

Love is hardly a noun; it is a verb, an action word. In the Gospels, the word “love” was used as a verb 62 times; it was used as a noun only 9 times. So love is not something to be described or a subject matter to be discussed; it is something to be done, it is expressed in action. That action is not inwards, but outwards – toward others. That is why, the greatest enemy of love is not hatred; it is selfishness which is the contradiction of the natural outward movement of love; the opposite of love. The doctor of the Law who raised the question knew what the first commandment was, but never lived it. It can happen among us. We know all the precepts, but we do not truly live by them. To love is to serve, for to serve lovingly our brothers and sisters is the only proof of love. Loving God is the foundation of the very possibility of loving anyone else for the simple reason that, only in the relationship with God can we feel fundamentally loved. Loving the other as ourselves means allowing the other to experience what we have lived in our relationship with God. Only if we nurture a healthy relationship with God, we begin to love others in a healthy way.

May the Lord help us to experience the great love God and share that love with others by the way we care for them! Amen!! Stay safe and save life, Jesus loves you, happy Sunday!!!

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