How I wish it were already kindled

How I wish it were already kindled


Eph. 3:14-21, Lk. 12:49-53. The vision of human potential in today's first reading centres on God’s love for us, a love beyond logical reason. If we are able to fully explain why we love someone, our love may be shallow. The love that God puts in us makes “servants” of us, not in an anxious, fearful spirit but a spirit full of joy. Our full dignity is as “servants of justice.” If we stake everything on Christ and eternal life, we experience a new level of love and full integrity of body and soul. Jesus speaks of such level of love in today's Gospel when He said: “I came to bring fire to the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled." The fire that Jesus speaks is not destructive, but it is a creative fire, a fire of love and fire of the spirit. Those who can accept His message of love, will be inflamed with the presence of God and be part of His family. Fire in the Scripture stands for the presence and actions of God. Holy Spirit is also understood as fire that warms up the grace of God in us. Fire also functions as purifying and testing element. It is a challenge to love God and place Him above everything else. That is why Jesus said: "How I wish such a fire were already kindled." Loyalty and commitment to Jesus has no middle ground. Jesus cautions us that fidelity to His Word can cost valued relationships and the approval of the world. While being baptised of fire entails living a new life, a new beginning; it is a promise and a commitment. In our world of changes and drastic contradictions, to follow Jesus is a walk by fire. The commitment of baptism can burn us, divide and disturb us. To defend the Gospel values and to hold on to the true faith is a challenge. Yet there are those who uphold humanity and announce fraternity at great cost. May the Lord help us to find a dwelling place in the love which flows from God and our life be rooted in that love! Amen!! Stay safe and Peace be with you!!!

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