We must be vigilant

We must be vigilant


Eph. 2:12-22, Lk. 12:35-38. In today's first reading, Paul points out that Jews and Gentiles are saved and are part of the same spiritual family. Speaking to the Ephesians who had converted from paganism to belief in Jesus, Paul tells them that through Jesus, those who had been distant from God are now united with those who had been close to God because of the religious ancestry. No matter our background, we are called to work together as different organs in the body do or as stones of a building. In using the images of body and building, Paul places Jesus in the key position. Joining the imagery of body and building with the thoughts of today's Gospel, we must be ready to do our part in holding up the structure when Jesus, the capstone/keystone, comes to finish the structure. 

In today's Gospel, Jesus warns His disciples that they must be ready at all times. Their lives must be in a constant state of preparedness. No matter when the Lord Jesus returns, we must be found vigilant and waiting for His return. We must be vigilant, for we do not know when or how He will complete our part of the edifice and He will need us to work together with our neighbouring stones. If we are not ready and in place when the capstone/keystone is positioned, we might be the cause of collapse of our part of the structure. It takes a deep breath of faith to stay ready to remain with Christ and complete our part in the edifice. However, we can take comfort that in our consistent faith, we have a loving master to provide for our needs even in turmoil.

May the Lord help us to be considerate and kind and grant us the grace to bring joy, not pain, to those we meet! Amen!! Keep safe and have a pleasant day!!!

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