My mother and brothers are those who do the will of God

My mother and brothers are those who do the will of God


Prov. 21:1-6.10-13, Lk. 8:19-21. Most of the wisdom literature is based on common sense and practical wisdom. Today's first reading which forms part of the wisdom literature, teaches us to be open, honest, reflective, humble, strong and use our foresight to avoid dangers and show goodwill to our neighbours. Whether we take a mystical view of life, or the pragmatic way of Proverbs, we must keep a healthy openness to the real world and review the quality of our relationships with others. In today's Gospel, Jesus holds the same view in His enigmatic reply to His mother Mary and brothers: “My mother and my brothers are those who hear the word of God and act on it." His response may sound like a put down of His mother, yet it is a compliment to her willingness to listen to God and do whatever God asks of her. 

By these words, Jesus extends the frontier of the family of God to the whole universe, transcending barriers of race and belief. Instead of showing indifference, Jesus shows how dear we are to Him when we listen to God and do His Will. This obedience is what gave Mary the privilege of being the mother of Jesus. Jesus promises a share in the family of God to those who do likewise, that is, those who open themselves to hearing the Word of God and then acting upon what they hear. To know God’s word, we must be open to all who are sincere, virtuous, obedient and responsive to life.

May the Lord pour out His love on our friends and family, on all whom we know and grant us open heart to do the will of God! Amen!! Keep safe and have a pleasant day!!!

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