Bless those who curse you

Bless those who curse you


1 Cor. 8:1-7.11-13, Lk. 6:27-38. Using the example of meat slaughtered in temples and dedicated to pagan gods, in today's first reading, Paul argues on two sides of this issue. Since, the supposed “gods” are really “no-gods,” a believer can buy this cheap meat for food. However, if our neighbour cannot see this distinction and thinks this meat makes us blasphemous, then we run the risk of scandalising our neighbour for whom Christ died. We are challenged to think of the consequences of our actions and not just to please ourselves. We are called to soberly re-evaluate how to apply in our lives the noble ideals of Christ in today's Gospel: “Bless those who curse you... turn the other cheek... and love your enemy.” These are the ideals that challenge us to let our hearts expand to mirror God’s own heart.

The love He calls for, with no trace of self-seeking is rare; it is how God loves. In the culture of the contemporary time, people who give generously expect somethings in return. Giving to others makes others indebted to us because of the cultural expectation of some kind of return. We struggle to be selfless in our giving because we expect a pay back. God is kind to the ungrateful and the wicked; God does not give with a view to receiving. We are invited to be God-like in our loving and giving. If we give in this God-like way, a full measure, running over, will be poured into us.

May the message of Christ, in its richness, find a home within us and may we experience the blessings of God as we share our lives with others! Amen!! Stay safe and have a glorious day!!!

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