Called to do something new

Called to do something new


1 Sam. 3:1-10.19-20, Mk 1:29-39. In today's first reading, the young Samuel got up anxiously and ran to the old priest’s bedroom to say: “Here I am. You called me!” This happened three times and each time old Eli assured the lad: “I did not call you. Go back to sleep.” Finally, old Eli advises that if God should call again, he should answer: “Speak, Lord, your servant is listening.” In this way Samuel became a prophet, a spokesman for God, who changed the course of Israel’s history. His tranquil home life at the sanctuary at Shiloh was disrupted by the call to become God’s prophet. In today’s Gospel, there are echoes of another prophetic vocation. After preaching in the Synagogue, Jesus goes into a house in Capernaum where He finds Peter’s mother-in-law in bed with a fever.

It was normal for Him to notice when people were ill; and when He saw it, He did not just stand there as a spectator. He took her by the hand and helped her up, “and the fever left her.” Though His miracles were admired, retiring to pray alone was not so well accepted. Even His friends did not think much of it. Peter, their leader, rebukes Jesus: “Everybody is looking for you,” as though to say: “Why are you wasting time out here, when the people need you?” In time he would learn how Jesus needed to spend time communing with God. Prayer was as important to Him as His work of teaching and healing. Prayer is as vital for us as it was for Jesus. We need help if we are to live as we ought to live and if we are to actively share in His work. In prayer we express our dependence on God and ask for grace, so as to be channels of that grace to others. Today, Jesus expects us to be faithful to our calling; let us share His spirit with others and make time for prayer and reflection.

May the Lord fill our day with His compassion and give us the spirit of forgiveness and a generous heart! Amen!! Good morning, Peace be with you!!!

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