The Blessing of the last day of the year 2019

The Blessing of the last day of the year 2019


1 Jn 2:18-21, Jn 1:1-18. Today, with the Eucharistic liturgy, we experience the ending of one year of our lives and the opening of the next. New year eve is often a time when we look back on the past year. For many, the past year will have been a difficult one. The economic situation of the country has left many without a job and forced others to emigrate whose preference would have been to stay at home. Some will have lost a loved one during the year and are struggling to come to terms with the loss. We may even recall the struggles of the past year, new year eve invites us to give thanks for the blessings that have enhanced our lives. No matter what we have been through, we have something to give thanks for; we have been graced in one way or another. The greatest grace and the source of all other graces is the presence of the Lord as today's Gospel affirms. Today's Gospel echoes the first verse of the Book of Genesis: "In the beginning". John’s whole Gospel story of Jesus will echo the initiative of bringing light out of darkness, order out of chaos, life out of no life and honour out of shame. Jesus has come as “Light” to dispel “darkness" of the world. To spell out the importance of light, light was the first thing to be created (Cf. Gen. 1:2). This past year we have seen enough of ourselves. The Light remains, inviting us out of our 'formless chaos' into the honour of being “Children of God.” The Light shines, not as a detective, or accuser, but as a Finder, Healer and Saviour. Jesus is the timeless resolution, renewed within the moments of our lives. Jesus wants us to draw to closer to the Father making us children of light. In our day to day lives, we must let the brilliance of this light to be our only light. Growing towards this experience will be a meaningful way of ending the year. May the Lord dispel the darkness of our world and make the coming year a better one for us! Amen!! Good morning, peace be with you!!!

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