Restore Justice and Peace

Restore Justice and Peace


Dan. 6:12-28, Lk. 21:20-28. Today's first reading presents the predicament of the prophet Daniel who was forced to be thrown into the lions’ den. When Daniel prove that the priests of Bel were frauds and the dragon he defeated by the power and wisdom of God, his enemies among the nobles and the courtiers ganged up and plotted against him. Daniel was forced to endure the lions’ den, which the enemies of his hoped that the hungry lions, purposefully kept hungry and unfed that they would devour Daniel. In the end, the prophet Daniel was freed by the king and all of his enemies who slandered him were thrown instead to the lions and were immediately devoured.

Those who hold on to the Word of God will not be crushed by the intensity of the hard times. End times will cause untold distress and fear will fill the hearts of every one. The destruction of Jerusalem is the greatest catastrophe seen in the description of the end times. Jesus attributes this happening to the rejection of the Good News. Today's Gospel offers us hope in such dreadful situations. We remain thankful because He gave us His Word and redeemed us from the slavery of sin. They will stand erect and look up with heads high. The day of the Lord will be the day of confidence and victory for them. They will not have to droop their head in shame for the way they lived their life and the choices they made. We are not terrified by what is happening in our world around, but we await confidently for the day when Christ will restore justice and peace for all. 

May the Lord renew our hope and may our lives be a model of His grace to be able to face trials with courage! Amen!! Good morning and have a joyful day!!!

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