The Memorial of St Martin of Tours

The Memorial of St Martin of Tours


Wis. 1:1-7, Lk. 17:1-6. Throughout this week, our attention shall be drawn to the Book of Wisdom, the last of the Wisdom literature in the Old Testament. Today's first reading is so practical as it urges us to be aware of our behaviours and live with our feet firmly on the ground. It enjoins us to be steady in our behaviour, to value our personal integrity and not take foolish advice, nor put God to the test. It urges us to rebuke injustice, be prudent in eating and drinking and to mind our language as well as our actions. If our actions becomes the sources of the fall of others, we shall account for it. Today’s Gospel broaches a problem that often bothers people who are high-minded, trustful and idealistic: how to cope with the faults of others. Jesus defends moral innocence and warns us against scandal, which means putting an obstacle (skandalon) to distract someone else; leading them astray, away from the Lord.

Today, we are challenged to encourage others, being near to them as they try to grow to their full maturity. We can get some inspiration from the renowned saint of today whose life is truly exemplary before God. Martin came from a noble background and was an officer in the Roman army before he had a change in life and eventually became the Bishop of Tours. It was told that on one occasion, on a cold night, as Martin rode along on his horse, he saw an old beggar by the roadside suffering and without anything to cover. Martin, moved by what he saw, took his sword and cut part of his centurion’s cloak and gave the cloak to the old beggar to be a comforter and protector in the midst of the cold condition. That very night, the Lord appeared to him and revealed that the old beggar was none other than God and showed him how he had done a truly blessed action by his humility and generosity for the least and the poorest, which reminds us of what Jesus said, that whatever we do to the least of our brothers, we are doing it for the Lord.

May the Lord help us to be a source of encouragement to the little ones in faith and may He never allow us to fall away from God! Amen!! Good morning, have a productive week!!!

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