The Solemnity of All Saints

The Solemnity of All Saints


Rev. 7:2-4.9-14, 1 Jn 3:1-3, Mt. 5:1-12. On this Solemnity of All Saints, we focus our attention on holy men and women whom the Church has thoroughly examined and judged worthy of the glory of Heaven. They are a glorious group of individuals who "have fought the good fight to the end, kept the faith and are given the crown of righteousness reserved for them.” Saints are not equal or similar to gods or deities unlike those of the polytheistic religions or beliefs. We do not worship nor adore the Saints in the same level as we adore God. However, none of us feels quite sure what is in store for us beyond this mortal life. Paul states our Christian hope by saying: “No eye has seen, no ear has heard nor has it entered the human heart to imagine what God has prepared for those who love him” (1 Cor. 2:9).

The Saints lived such genuine lives that at death, they could behold what God has prepared for them. They went “marching in”, happy to be meeting face to face with the 'One they trusted', who held them in the palm of His hand. Today's first reading presents us with the magnitude of people: “A great multitude that nobody could count”, for God is rich in mercy and in the "Father’s House there are many mansions." We have a place reserved for us and the surest way there is to follow the one who is “the Way, the Truth and the Life." He taught us by word and example how to live a good life and the qualities He praises are often the very opposite of commonly held values. The world says: "Blessed are the rich, because they can buy whatever they want and enjoy conspicuous consumption." While, in today's Gospel, Jesus presents us with the Beatitudes: "Blessed are the poor in spirit", people who value God more than money; who know it is not their mansions or millions that makes them rich in the eyes of God, but the kind of people they are. The only power and status we need is to keep trying to do what is right.

May the Lord enter into our lives and make His home in us so that one day we may be numbered among the Saints! Amen!! Good morning and Happy New Month!!!

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