The Spirit helps us in our weakness

The Spirit helps us in our weakness


Rom. 8:22-30, Lk. 13:26-30. In today's first reading, Paul enjoins us to put our trust in God through the works of the Holy Spirit, for it is through the Holy Spirit that God guides us to the right path, strengthening us and encouraging us to live and persevere through the times of difficulties in faith. However, we often do not allow the Spirit of God to do its work in us and through us. Our pride and attachments to worldliness prevents us from allowing God to transform us. Unless we allow God to be an integral part of our daily living, in our words and actions, there can be little progress for us in our faith.

On His way to Jerusalem, Jesus in today's Gospel, presents the image of the narrow door to teach us how to be part of God. To follow Jesus means to take painful road that involves the readiness to endure and bear whatever may be the cost. The image of a narrow gate is very meaningful to understand human life in its proper perspective. Jesus uses this image to project an important lesson for our reflection. When the gate is narrow only essentials will pass through, in and out easily. Jesus wants us to reflect on essentials of life and get rid of our desire for keeping unnecessary baggage. Our obsessions with money, fame, honour and approval can make our movement through the door tedious. Jesus reminds us today how little we need and how can we practise simplicity. Jesus is the door and He wants us to meet Him at the narrow gate.

May the Lord help us to grow like laden olive trees in His domain, firmly rooted in the power and mercy of His Son! Amen!! Good morning and have a wonderful day!!!

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