Every kingdom divided against itself is heading for ruin

Every kingdom divided against itself is heading for ruin


Joel 1:13-15.2:1-2, Lk. 11:15-26. Today's Gospel recounts the fight between good and evil, but this conflict is not a battle that takes place in a specific place or field, rather it portrays our life as the battlefield and the Gospel values are our weapons. Jesus acknowledges the existence of supernatural forces of good and evil. As He wrestles against the evil powers, His envious opponents among the Pharisees accused Him of being in league with the devil. He rejects this wild claim, for it is with the power of God that He faces down the power of evil. So, we can also make God our refuge against all evil and temptation. The world needs our voices and actions that show the loving presence of God in the life of the poor, the ill and those discriminated against through indifference and feelings of exclusion.

There is no need for spectacular signs, in order to accept the Gospel. As Jesus would say to doubting Thomas: “Blessed are they who have not seen, and yet have believed.” Christians are lights in the darkness and today's first reading reminds us that our life is the prophetic vocation, the announcement of the light in the word of the Lord and denunciation to darkness. Joel recalls the covenant with Moses on the holy mountain, Sinai. What they experienced on the mountain was God who was “gracious and merciful, slow to anger and rich in kindness.” Even when tested to the limits of our patience, we can trust that God has plans for us beyond the horizons of this earthly life.

May the Lord help those in pain to know that the Father cares for them and receive their healing! Amen!! Good morning and have a wonderful day!!!

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