A call to travel light

A call to travel light


Ezra 9:5-9, Lk. 9:1-6. Today's first reading recalls Ezra's prayer for the returning exiles of Israel. The Israelites who returned from exile in Babylon were a small number of people and had to be purified from all contaminations that led to their extinction as a chosen race. Ezra begins with an abject confession, identifying himself with his people’s guilt, “My God, I am too ashamed to raise my face to you, for our wicked deeds are heaped up above our heads.” Then he declares that divine mercy has blessed them again, for they are like a sapling, firmly planted in the holy land. By God’s providence they also enjoy the goodwill of the Persian king, who helped rebuilt the house of God.

By the sober reflection of Ezra, we are taught how to admit our mistakes, take responsibility for them and count our blessings, for things are not as bad as we suppose. It also taught us that there is a future for us and for our people when we own up to our faults and plead for mercy. To extend the mercy of God to the ends of the earth, Jesus sends out His disciples with a unique specification. Jesus also sends them out to cure the sick and promote the reign of God. When Jesus sent them out on mission He enjoins them to travel light. They were to depend on the hospitality of those to whom they preach the Gospel, rather than be overly self-reliant, they needed to be reliant on others, to trust in the Lord, who would help them through the kindness of strangers. These missionaries need not carry bread or money, not even staff and traveling bag. They brought a blessing by their joy and trust, inviting others to share their trust in God. We should encourage the ideals of missionaries, support them and welcome them into our homes. Then the grace of God will be among us.

May the Lord fill us with His compassion, give us the spirit of forgiveness and a generous heart! Amen!! Good morning and have a wonderful day!!!

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