Bless those who curse you

Bless those who curse you


Col. 3:12-17, Lk. 6:27-38. The ideals of Paul in today's first reading rest on the basis that baptised believers are “God’s chosen ones.” If that is our core identity, our lifestyle needs to reflect that identity. Generosity and love are not beyond our power as “holy and beloved.” God has drawn us into Christ’s life, as members of His body, so that, divine grace animates us like breath or blood. Since Christ is already alive within us, our lives must be rich in love, kindness, patience and generosity. This is also the call of today’s Gospel, where Jesus asks us to bless those who curse us, turn our other cheek, love our enemy and show kindness to those who are in no position to pay us back. Such are the hallmarks of a true Christian life. Its basis is that, as we are formed in the image of God, our lifestyle should mirror God’s own mercy.

Jesus wants us to be merciful, as our Father is merciful. This is the highest road to sharing in the life of God: “Your reward will be great, and you will be children of the Most High.” In the ordinary run of things, if we try to be generous we expect some gratitude at least. Giving to others put them in debt to us. We struggle to be completely selfless in our giving. We are asked for more than just giving with a view to receiving. Ideally, love has no self-seeking in it, just as God loves us. God is good even to the ungrateful and the wicked. Jesus says that we can be God-like in our loving and in our giving. He promises that if we give in this God-like way, we will be blessed abundantly.

May the Word of the Lord in all its richness, find a home with us! Amen!! Good morning and have a wonderful day!!!

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