The Spirit of the Lord is upon me

The Spirit of the Lord is upon me


1 Thess. 4:13-18, Lk 4:16-30. Today's first reading, provides answers to the question about the resurrection of the dead. In his preaching, Paul proclaimed Jesus who died, rose and will come again. Here Paul sees the resurrection as a promise of our own resurrection: “For if we believe that Jesus died and rose, God will raise from the dead those who have fallen asleep believing in him.” In the resurrection, we gain freedom from the burden of sin as we begin a new life. In an opening address in the Nazareth Synagogue, Jesus proclaimed: “This Scripture is being fulfilled in your hearing.” This inaugural sermon at Nazareth combines major themes of Luke’s Gospel: concern for the poor, people’s amazement at Jesus, His outreach to Gentiles, the dynamic role of the Spirit, Jesus as prophet and His final rejection and execution. This Scripture is being fulfilled.

The power of God is already present in our world. The jubilee year of God’s favour foretold in Isaiah chapter 61, has now begun with Jesus. While we can feel the wonder and joy of it, such happiness cannot be possessed selfishly. It will be lost if it is not shared. We must share our religious joy with others. Jesus cannot work through us unless we take the side of the poor, like Him. The sense of service in Jesus focuses on people in greatest need, regardless of their background or social standing. His universal mission-statement angered the people of Nazareth, because He is one of their own they expected special treatment. If Jesus has favourites it is people in need, whether of body, mind or spirit. The Lord hears the cry of the poor. All He asks is that we receive Him on His own terms, which the people of Nazareth refused to do. He is always close even in sufferings, whatever form they take, can bring us close to Him.

May the Lord give us the fruits of the Holy Spirit, make us patient, kind and gentle! Amen!! Good morning and have a fruitful week!!!

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