Humility is the best form of warfare; it is the only thing the enemy cannot do

Humility is the best form of warfare; it is the only thing the enemy cannot do


Sirach 3:17-20.28-29, Heb. 12:18-24, Lk. 14:1.7-14. On this Twenty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C, the Church calls us to imitate the humility of Jesus. It is an attribute and quality of God which His children must strive to possess and live. Today's first reading presents us with a candid advice: “Behave humbly and you will find favour with the Lord.” The text gives the key to a successful fellowship with God and one another. Humility remains the distinctive mark of the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. So, as Christians it must also be part of us, for pride is a disease: none are so empty as those who are full of themselves. However, the good news is that, it can be cured through the imitation of Christ’s humility.

The second reading reminds us that our destination is Mount Zion, the Heavenly Jerusalem and the city of the living God. In this city, only the humble can dwell there. Certainly, a proud heart cannot worship the Lord. Furthermore, in this city “everyone is a first born and a true citizen.” Hence, as citizens of this city we must clothe ourselves with humility just like Christ our Mediator. Today's Gospel takes us to the climax of this same Christian virtue called humility: “…Everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and the man who humbles himself will be exalted.” Jesus teaches the importance of humility and simplicity in our Christian journey. Humility is the best form of warfare; it is the only thing the enemy cannot do. Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it is thinking of yourself less. Only a humble heart can go and prostrate 'before God in prayer. A humble person is always ready to ask for guidance from God and from others. He is also ready to listen and learn from others. It takes humility to say 'thank you', 'please' and to ask for 'forgiveness'.

O Jesus, Meek and humble of heart, make our heart like yours. From the desire to be honoured and esteemed, deliver us! Amen!! Good morning and Happy Sunday!!!

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