Give thanks to the Lord always

Give thanks to the Lord always


1 Thess. 1:1-5.8-10, Mt. 23:13-22. No matter our condition at any given time, we have many reasons to be thankful, because God has blessed us in Christ. In today's first reading, Paul is grateful for the vibrant Church in Thessalonica, which was God’s own work more than that of the apostle. We all have reasons to be grateful and can express our thanks to God at all times and in all circumstances. Jesus expects just gestures of appreciation from the Pharisees and the teachers of the Law in today's Gospel. Instead they often opposed Him and His many good works by their actions and their selfish attitudes, their pride and their stubbornness in refusing to believe in God despite the truth which He brought into this world.

The Pharisees and the teachers of the Law were highly respected and feared within the community of the people of Judea and Galilee because they were intelligent and privileged ones who were highly educated and influential within the society. Their actions and words carry a great deal of weight and influence, power and sway. However, their actions and deeds were often not like their words. They spoke of being faithful to God on one hand and yet, their actions, public show of piety and devotion, in their very strict interpretation and observation of the laws and customs were devoid of the love and true faith. Instead, their actions and deeds were often self-serving and self-glorifying. Today, we are challenged to spend some time to reflect on our actions and all that we have done thus far. Let us discern on how we can move on and be more faithful to God in all the things we say and do. We need to take concrete effort to put God first and foremost in our lives and resist the temptations of worldly glory and the temptations of the flesh.

May the Lord bless us and continue to be our Light who guides us through the right paths, despite the darkness and the many temptations present in this world! Amen!! Good morning and have a productive weekend!!!

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