Whenever you go, I will go, your people shall be my people

Whenever you go, I will go, your people shall be my people


Ruth 1:1.3-6.14-16.22, Mt. 22:34-40. In the story of today's first reading, a foreign woman was welcomed into the family of Israel. Her spiritual journey blends nicely with the teaching of Jesus in today's Gospel, identifying the core will of God as the supreme law of love. The Book of Ruth tells a lovely story, interweaving personal loss with a rebirth of hope and highlights the mutual love of mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. Ruth is drawn by affection for Naomi to join her faith, “Wherever you go I will go...your people shall be my people, and your God shall be my God too.” Here, we see the great Deuteronomic command of love reflected and fulfilled. Ruth balances love of God and love of people in her profession of faith in Yahweh, the God of Israel. Jesus had to pick the greatest commandment out of 613 commandments which are equalling binding on all. He overlooked the observance of Sabbath, devotion to Torah or Temple in order to present love of God and neighbour as the greatest commandment.

Jesus starts with the love of God and links it to love of neighbour; in Ruth we see the reverse. Starting from loyalty to Naomi she learns to love the God of Israel. Naomi and Ruth return to Bethlehem as widows, virtual paupers. Often in salvation history God, revives people at the verge of death: from slavery in Egypt, from near conquest by the Philistines, from Babylonian exile. We trust in God’s power to create hope where all hope seemed lost.

May the Lord confirm us in His service, help us to bear witness to Christ in the society and create through us a new world where injustice and destruction will give way to growth, freedom and hope! Amen!! Good morning, it is well with you!!!

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