The Memorial of St Dominic

The Memorial of St Dominic


Num. 20:1-13, Mt. 16:13-23. Two words stand out in today's first reading and the Gospel: “rock” and “flesh.” In the first reading, a rock in the mountains becomes a source of water that remains vital for survival. While in the Gospel, a “human rock” becomes the foundation of the Church. However, in the Gospel “flesh” indicates the limitations of human nature and inability to fully understand the Divine plan. The weakness of the flesh shows in Israel’s complaint about where Moses led them. In the weakness of the flesh and frustration, Moses disobeyed God who commanded him to speak to the rock to provide water but instead he struck the rock with his rod. In the flesh, Israel would abandon their freedom, opting to return to Egypt, with its grains, figs, vines and pomegranates, God provided sweet water for them from a rock in the desert.

In the flesh Peter rebukes Jesus for choosing the part of suffering. While in following the Divine plan, Peter refers to Jesus as “the Christ”. Therefore, Jesus changes his name to “Rock”, in Aramaic, Cephas; in Latin, Petrus. Peter’s role is to lead and unite the disciples. He is the rock on which the wise can build a foundation of unity and faith. It was on this same rock St Dominic whose memorial we celebrate devoted himself to the Lord and gave his whole being to the service and glory of God. His exemplary life inspires us to live a meaningful and faithful life. As the founder of the Order of Preachers, also known as the Dominicans, his great piety and zeal for his missionary efforts helped him to make firm the foundations of his order.

May the Lord direct our thoughts, words and actions so that we may know and do His will! Amen!! Good morning and have a wonderful day!!!

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